Saturday, January 1, 2011

ตัวอย่างข้อสอบใบขับขี่ Michigan โดย Thorani (2011)

ตัวอย่างข้อสอบใบขับขี่ Michigan โดย Thorani (2011)

This test is property of the state of Michigan and cannot be Used,reproduced,or removed from this branch office for any reason without the written permission of the Michigan department ,of state.

  1. You are driving in rush hour traffic and children in the backseat keep asking you to change radio stations. You should:
  1. a. Refuse their request until it is safe to change stations. ( / )
  1. b. Agree to change the stations when asked.
  1. c. offer to get an audiotape from the glove compartment
  1. You should turn on your vehicle's headlights:
  1. a. Any time it is difficult to see or be seen. (/)
  1. b. At night and during the day only if it is raining.
  1. c only between dusk and dawn.
  1. . when approaching a railroad crossing that has gates lowered with signals flashing and bells ringing .:
  1. a. Look both ways. then slowly drive around the gates if the train is more than 500 feet away .
  1. b Stop and wait until the gates are raised, the signals stop flashing. and the bells stop ringing.(/)
  1. c Wait until the tracks are clear before driving slowly and carefully across them.
  1. . Motorcycle drivers:
  1. a. May pass on the right on a two-lane road.
  1. b Must be given full use of a lane
  1. c. May drive alongside a car in the same lane.
  1. You must yield the right-of way to an oncoming vehicle when you are
  1. a. Going straight ahead. b In a traffic circle. c. Turning left. (/)
  1. You should slow down at an intersection if:
  1. a.. There are pedestrians near the corner .(/)
  1. b. The driver behind you honks his vehicle's horn.
  1. c. There is a vehicle close behind you.
  1. . Large trucks have several ' blind spots' other drivers can avoid these blind spots by.
  1. a Staying on the left side of the truck.
  1. b. Driving directly in front of the truck
  1. c. Increasing the following distance between their vehicle and the large truck..
  1. when passing a vehicle ,you should return to the right side of the road when .
  1. a. You are 50 feet in front of the passed vehicle.
  1. can see both headlights of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.(/)
  1. c. The other driver signals you to do so.
  1. .When turning left at an intersection
  1. a Pull halfway into the intersection and edge into oncoming traffic.
  1. b. Check cross traffic and yield to oncoming traffic.(/)
  1. c. Signal just as you begin to turn and accelerate
  1. . A vehicle crosses the center line and is coming toward you in your lane. you should attempt an emergency stop
  1. a, when the road is wet or the weather makes it hard to see
  1. b. only if there is enough room to stop and you cannot pull off the road.(/)
  1. c Only if the oncoming driver does not seem to see you.
  1. . if an oncoming driver does not dim their vehicle.s high beam headlights,you should
  1. a. Look directly at the center of the road until the driver passes you.
  1. b. watch the right edge of the road until the driver passes you.(/)
  1. c. Keep flashing your vehicle's headlights from high beam to low beam until the driver passes you.
  1. . When approaching a person crossing the street who is carrying a white cane or using a guide should .a. Continue forward but be prepared to stop
  1. b. Stop and yield the stop and yield the right-of way.(/)
  1. c Honk your vehicle 's horn and continue slowly 
  1. . when on a freeway entrance ramp you should check for freeway traffic by:
  1. a. Quick glances over your shoulder.
  1. b Using your vehicle's rearview mirrors and quick glances over your shoulder.(/)
  1. c.Using the outside rearview mirror 
  1. . You approach an intersection and see a vehicle coming from the left.You should
  1. a. Be ready to stop and yield the right_of way (/)
  1. b. speed up to get through the intersection
  1. C Continue at the same speed
  1. . A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means
  1. a. slow down and be prepared to stop (/)
  1. b Always come to a full stop the intersection
  1. c Look both ways as you cross the intersection

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